Space-borne quantum source to secure communication

Soon, powerful quantum computers will be able to easily crack conventional mathematically encrypted codes. Entangled photons generated by a spaceborne quantum source could enable hack-proof key exchange for ultra high security ...

When space launchers come clean

The upper stages of space launchers are typically loaded with sensors that could theoretically tell engineers everything they need to know about the launcher's status and possible vulnerabilities. Yet, limited on-board computing ...

Bitcoin more vulnerable to attack than expected

Calculations by University of Twente researchers show that Bitcoin is more vulnerable to attack than people had always assumed. If some Bitcoin users were to form a group that controls 20 percent of the currency's computing ...

Bitcoin heist: 600 powerful computers stolen in Iceland

Some 600 computers used to "mine" bitcoin and other virtual currencies have been stolen from data centers in Iceland in what police say is the biggest series of thefts ever in the North Atlantic island nation.

What's holding up the blockchain?

It's not technology or regulation holding back the blockchain—software that stores and transfers value or data across the internet—we just haven't figured out the next big use case. Two reports released this week by the ...

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