Hacking the SEM: Crystal phase detection for nanoscale samples

(PhysOrg.com) -- Custom modifications of equipment are an honored tradition of the research lab. In a recent paper, two materials scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology describe how a relatively ...

New family of composite structures

Material scientists at ETH-Zürich are working on composite materials that mimic the structure of seashells. Such complex structures are produced using tiny magnetic particles which guide the composites' stiffer elements ...

Vascular composites enable dynamic structural materials

Taking their cue from biological circulatory systems, University of Illinois researchers have developed vascularized structural composites, creating materials that are lightweight and strong with potential for self-healing, ...

Lungfish teeth could hold key to better cars, planes

(PhysOrg.com) -- The tooth enamel of lungfish and garfish could provide the basis for new material to make lighter more efficient aircraft or vehicles, says a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) physics researcher.

Long-distance communication, microbial style

Scientists knew that the microbe Shewanella oneidensis transformed the electronic structure of the iron oxide it touched in the ground as well as without direct contact. Scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ...

Many roads lead to superconductivity

Since their discovery in 2008, a new class of superconductors has precipitated a flood of research the world over. Unlike the previously familiar copper ceramics (cuprates), the basic structure of this new class consists ...

Ancient data discovered with new U of A technology

The University of Alberta has new multi-million dollar technology that can analyze an ancient mineral sample and tell you how it was created, its chemical makeup and its potential commercial value. It can also analyze teeth ...

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