Study Reveals Unexpected Ancient Cellular Structure

( -- Scientists at North Carolina State University have effectively lifted the veil from the structure of an ancient and important RNA-protein complex essential for the biosynthesis and function of the ribosome, ...

How manuka honey helps fight infection

Manuka honey may kill bacteria by destroying key bacterial proteins. Dr Rowena Jenkins and colleagues from the University of Wales Institute - Cardiff investigated the mechanisms of manuka honey action and found that its ...

Hankering for molecular electronics? Grab the new NIST sandwich

The sandwich recipe recently concocted by scientists working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology may prove tasty for computer chip designers, who have long had an appetite for molecule-sized electronic components ...

A genome may reduce your carbon footprint

With the costs of genome sequencing rapidly decreasing, and with the infrastructure now developed for almost anyone with access to a computer to cheaply store, access, and analyze sequence information, emphasis is increasingly ...

Fusion-io Deliveries The Worlds Fastest SSD

( -- Fusion-io, a leader in high-performance I/O solutions, announced their new ioDrive Duo. The new ioDrive Duo is one of the fastest and most innovative server-based solid-state storage solutions. Utilizing ...

Breakthrough for post-4G communications

( -- With much of the mobile world yet to migrate to 3G mobile communications, let alone 4G, European researchers are already working on a new technology able to deliver data wirelessly up to 12.5Gb/s.

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