Network research needs to focus on temporality and weightedness

The study of complex networks in statistical physics and computational science has become more and more focused on so-called dynamic networks. Where traditional approaches have treated the links in networks as static, contemporary ...

Computing in the net of possibilities

( -- Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Göttingen have developed an entirely new principle for information processing. The complex network computer now stands as an ...

Maths experts question key ecological theory

Mathematicians at the University of York in the UK and the University of Canterbury in New Zealand say they have disproved a widely accepted theory underpinning the operation of complex networks of interactions in the natural ...

The network's skeleton

( -- Sometimes the distinctive character of a whole resides in just a few of its parts, for example in particular forms and colours of a painting, in the most important ingredients of a dish, or in individual melodies ...

Networks in motion

A new article by a Northwestern University complex networks expert discusses how networks governing processes in nature and society are becoming increasingly amenable to modeling, forecast and control.

Using math to feed the world

In the race to breed better crops to feed the increasing world population, scientists at The University of Nottingham are using maths to find out how a vital plant hormone affects growth.

Game of go: A complex network

Could computers ever beat the best go players? Although unthinkable at this stage, this could soon become possible, thanks to CNRS theorists. For the first time, two scientists from the Theoretical Physics Laboratory and ...

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