How microorganisms can help us get to net negative emissions

Many of the common items we use in our everyday lives—from building materials to plastics to pharmaceuticals—are manufactured from fossil fuels. To reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ...

First 3D images of a giant molecule

Capturing the structure of large molecular complexes with variable shape is an extremely difficult task. Scientists from Würzburg and Montpellier now have been able to do it—thanks to a new approach regarding an important ...

Landing on the origin of life

Imagine you're way out in the middle of the Pilbara. There's no one around you, but you may be surprised to learn you're close to the origin of life.

Device mimics life's first steps in outer space

A device developed by scientists at the CY Cergy Paris University and Paris Observatory promises insight into how the building blocks of life form in outer space.

How nitrogen is transferred by a catalyst

The development of new drugs or innovative molecular materials with new properties requires specific modification of molecules. Selectivity control in these chemical transformations is one of the main goals of catalysis. ...

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