Creating nanostructures from the bottom up

Microscopic particles are being coaxed by Duke University engineers to assemble themselves into larger crystalline structures by the use of varying concentrations of microscopic particles and magnetic fields.

Catching electrons in the act: Science on the attosecond scale

( -- Understanding how to create artificial photosynthesis, or tough, flexible high-temperature superconductors, or better solar cells, or a myriad other advances, will only be possible when we have the ability ...

Team synthesizes a new polyoxometalate-based metal-organic complex

A research team has synthesized a new polyoxometalate-based metal-organic complex that they then tested as a catalyst for the oxidation reactions of various sulfides. They found that the complex possesses excellent catalytic ...

A gentler, more precise laser cutting technique

Laser cutting techniques are usually powered by high energy beams, so hot that they melt most materials. Now scientists from McGill University have developed a gentler, more precise technique using low-power visible light.

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