DNA motor programmed to navigate a network of tracks

Expanding on previous work with engines traveling on straight tracks, a team of researchers at Kyoto University and the University of Oxford have successfully used DNA building blocks to construct a motor capable of navigating ...

Complex software systems -- heal thyself

(PhysOrg.com) -- Software underlies modern life, keeping everything from mobile phone networks functioning to planes in the air, but ensuring increasingly complex systems stay free of faults has become an epic task. What ...

Artificial intelligence systems more apt to fail than to destroy

The most realistic risks about the dangers of artificial intelligence are basic mistakes, breakdowns and cyber attacks, an expert in the field says – more so than machines that become super powerful, run amok and try to ...

Aircraft engineered with failure in mind may last longer

Complex systems inhabit a "gray world" of partial failures, MIT’s Olivier de Weck says: While a system may continue to operate as a whole, bits and pieces inevitably degrade. Over time, these small failures can add ...

The limits of phenomenology

What's wrong with the science of science? Do the methods we use to explore new innovations in psychology, drug testing and engineering design really work? A new paper has troubling answers: Big Data isn't big enough to be ...

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