Monkeys put off sex by bystanders

Monkeys shy away from bystanders during copulation, irrespective of the bystanders' gender or rank. The new study, by Anne Overduin-de Vries and her team from the Biomedical Primate Research Centre in the Netherlands, also ...

How cooperation can trump competition in monkeys

Being the top dog — or, in this case, the top gelada monkey — is even better if the alpha male is willing to concede at times to subordinates, according to a study by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, ...

Consumerism and its antisocial effects can be turned on -- or off

Money doesn't buy happiness. Neither does materialism: Research shows that people who place a high value on wealth, status, and stuff are more depressed and anxious and less sociable than those who do not. Now new research ...

EU probes Motorola in patent war with Apple, Microsoft

European regulators opened Tuesday two antitrust investigations against Motorola Mobility, bought by US Internet giant Google, in the latest chapter of an escalating patent war with Apple and Microsoft.

Microsoft hits Motorola, Google with EU complaint

Microsoft on Wednesday lodged a formal complaint with the European Union's competition regulator against Motorola Mobility and its soon-to-be owner Google, saying Motorola's aggressive enforcement of patent rights against ...

Shooting for the moon -- to mine it

Most people don't take it literally when they're told to shoot for the moon - but thinking small isn't Naveen Jain's way. The 52-year-old Internet entrepreneur is a co-founder of Moon Express Inc., one of several companies ...

Android doubles smartphone market share: Gartner

More than half of the smartphones sold worldwide in the third quarter of the year were powered by Google's Android software, technology research firm Gartner said Tuesday.

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