GOP wins battle of the bulb

Congress has dodged a government shutdown, agreeing to a $1 trillion spending bill that features a variety of rare compromises. Both Democrats and Republicans won some concessions, and it's too early to say who came out on ...

LEDs winning light race to save energy, the environment: report

Today's light-emitting diode light bulbs have a slight environmental edge over compact fluorescent lamps. And that gap is expected to grow significantly as technology and manufacturing methods improve in the next five years, ...

Energy saving lamp is eco-winner

In a new study, EMPA researchers have investigated the ecobalances of various household light sources. In doing so not only did they take into account energy consumption, but also the manufacture and disposal processes. They ...

Lighting the way to the future

The highly inefficient incandescent light bulb is now a thing of the past, banned from European supermarket shelves in favour of more efficient lighting. The ban is part of the EU's strategy to reduce overall energy consumption ...