Their stories were lost to slavery. Now DNA is writing them

In the 1700s, a boy was born into slavery in Colonial America. He spent his life working in the coastal city of Charleston, South Carolina. And when he died in middle age, he was buried alongside 35 other slaves.

Jurassic marine world unearthed in a farmer's field

The discovery of an exceptional prehistoric site containing the remains of animals that lived in a tropical sea has been made in a farmer's field in Gloucestershire.

Salmon are spawning in Arctic rivers, researchers confirm

Researchers have confirmed that salmon are spawning in an Arctic Ocean watershed, suggesting that at least some salmon species could be expanding to new territory as climate change reshapes their habitat.

Our kids are no longer 'free range'

In the popular Japanese TV series Old Enough, very young children are sent out into their neighborhood on their first solo errand. The release of this long-running series on Netflix this year created a buzz among Western ...

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