Only nine nations own national Twitter handles, study finds

Only nine out of 193 UN member states own Twitter accounts bearing their country name, and only three of those accounts have been officially verified by the micro-blogging site, according to a report published Thursday.

In US, 19 mn can't get high-speed Internet: study

Around six percent of the US population, or 19 million people, lack access to high-speed Internet even though deployment has improved in recent years, a government study said Tuesday.

Japan's NEC buys Australian IT firms

Japanese electronics giant NEC said Wednesday it will buy two IT firms from Australia's CSG, with a report pegging the price tag at about $252 million.

Zayo Group buying AboveNet for $2.2B

(AP) -- Telecommunications company Zayo Group said Monday it will acquire AboveNet Inc. for $2.2 billion. Both companies offer Internet and phone services to companies over fiber-optic networks.

US calls for Internet freedom amid India plan

The United States called for freedom of expression on the Internet after the India said it planned to find ways to ban offensive content before it is posted.

Facebook hires former Clinton spokesman

Facebook announced on Tuesday that it had hired former US president Bill Clinton's spokesman Joe Lockhart to serve as vice president of global communications at the social network.

Twitter forcing a strategy switch for businesses

Brand power takes on a whole new meaning on Twitter, where more than a million people follow Sockington, a tweeting feline who muses about litter boxes and salmon.

Cyber-crooks targeting social-networking websites

Computer security specialists warn that Facebook users have been hit with a series of data-stealing attacks in the past week as cyber crooks increasingly stalk social-networking websites.

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