Microplastics found in Antarctic ice cores

A team of researchers from the University of Tasmania has found evidence of microplastics in ice cores collected off the coast of Antarctica. In their paper published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin, the group describes ...

Engineered enzyme able to break down PET in ten hours

A team of researchers from TBI, Université de Toulouse, CRITT Bio-Industries and Carbios, Biopôle Clermont Limagne, has engineered a commonly known enzyme to efficiently break the chains that hold the building blocks of ...

Novel error-correction scheme developed for quantum computers

Scientists in Australia have developed a new approach to reducing the errors that plague experimental quantum computers; a step that could remove a critical roadblock preventing them scaling up to full working machines.

Tiny prehistoric lizard sheds light on reptile evolution

The discovery of a new species of prehistoric reptile from Germany is reported this week in Scientific Reports. The anatomical features of the species, named Vellbergia bartholomaei, add to our understanding of the early ...

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