A breakthrough in sustainable methane utilization technology

99.5% of combustible ice is methane, making it an important reserve energy source. It is inferred that the reserves of combustible ice in the South China Sea amount to the equivalent of at least 80 billion tons of oil.

UN report on 'mission impossible' climate target: key points

An executive summary of the UN special report on limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius will be vetted in South Korea this week, line-by-line, by diplomats under the 195-nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ...

China, Japan extract combustible ice from seafloor

Commercial development of the globe's huge reserves of a frozen fossil fuel known as "combustible ice" has moved closer to reality after Japan and China successfully extracted the material from the seafloor off their coastlines.

Methane emissions traced back to Roman times

Emissions of the greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere can be traced back thousands of years in the Greenland ice sheet. Using special analytical methods, researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute, among others, have ...

China looks to 'combustible ice' as a fuel source

(PhysOrg.com) -- Buried below the tundra of China’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a type of frozen natural gas containing methane and ice crystals that could supply energy to China for 90 years. China discovered the large reserve ...