Who gets to decide what counts as 'disorder'?

As a scholar of urban governance and data policy, I viewed the responses to protests on U.S. campuses as about more than threats to academic freedom and freedom of speech.

Quickly designing a white LED

The advent of the white light emitting diode (LED), which consists of a blue LED with a phosphor layer, greatly reduces the energy consumption for lighting. Despite the fast-growing market, white LEDs are still being designed ...

Image: The moon in 1992

The moon was a focal point for NASA in 2017, whether it was blocking out the sun during one of the most-viewed events in U.S. history, or reinvigorating the agency's human space exploration plans. But the moon has always ...

Better, bolder printing with silicon nanostructures

From textbooks to artwork to newspapers, printed items are a part of our everyday life. But the ink used in today's printers are limited in colors and resolution. Now in a new study in ACS' journal Nano Letters, scientists ...

Shooting "color" in the blackness of space

It's a question that I've heard, in one form or another, for almost as long as I've been talking with the public about space. And, to be fair, it's not a terrible inquiry. After all, the smartphone in my pocket can shoot ...

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