Scientists discover that coral 'winners' may now be losers

Examination of thousands of underwater photographs by San Fernando Valley high school students has led to the discovery that a species of Caribbean coral—deemed by marine biologists as a winner in the struggle against natural ...

Visualizing global representation for Indigenous nations

A new book by Professor of Sociology and Legal Studies Hiroshi Fukurai shows how Indigenous "original nations" around the world are fighting for sovereignty and the ecological preservation of their ancestral homelands across ...

To sting or not to sting? How bees organize defense behaviors

When do bees sting and how do they organize their collective defense behavior against predators? An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Universities of Constance and Innsbruck has provided new insights into these ...

How army ants' iconic mass raids evolved

Army ants form some of the largest insect societies on the planet. They are quite famous in popular culture, most notably from a terrifying scene in Indiana Jones. But they are also ecologically important. They live in very ...

Bees can tell time by temperature, research finds

Bees are known to tell time by light and social cues. Now, postdoctoral scholar in biological sciences Manuel Giannoni-Guzmán and researchers from Brandeis University, University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, University of ...

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