Protecting embryos against microbes

Headed by the Kiel zoologist Professor Thomas Bosch, a team of scientists from Germany and Russia succeeded in deciphering the mechanisms, for the first time, with which embryos of the freshwater polyp Hydra protect themselves ...

Toward a urine test for detecting colon cancer

Scientists are reporting an advance toward development of a urine test for detecting colon cancer, the third most common cancer in the United States. Such a test could eventually compliment or even reduce the need for colonoscopy, ...

Shifting Baselines Confound River Restoration

Steep reductions in the abundance of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic fauna in recent centuries are not restricted to animals that live in the sea: historical records show that species in rivers and lakes worldwide also ...

Research provides insight into constructing gene regulatory networks

Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) depict the regulatory mechanisms of genes within cellular systems as a network, offering vital insights for understanding cell processes and molecular interactions that determine cellular phenotypes. ...

Type VI secretion systems: Weapons of bacterial destruction

Bacteria can be quite aggressive. Armed with an impressive array of mechanical and biochemical weapons, they don't mess around when it comes to combating their foes. Notable among these armaments is the Type VI Secretion ...

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