Scientists discover new way protein degradation is regulated

( —Proteins, unlike diamonds, aren't forever. And when they wear out, they need to be degraded in the cell back into amino acids, where they will be recycled into new proteins. Researchers at Rockefeller University ...

Colon cancer nuclear pore dynamics are captured by HS-AFM

One of the key reasons for cancer mortality is the highly invasive behaviour of cancer cells, which is often due to aggressive metastasis. Metastasis is facilitated by various growth factors and cytokines secreted from cells ...

'Molecular movie' opens door to new cancer treatments

An international team of scientists led by the University of Liverpool has produced a 'structural movie' revealing the step-by-step creation of an important naturally occurring chemical in the body that plays a role in some ...

Colon cancer and the microbes in your gut

A typical Western diet, rich in meat and fats and low in complex carbohydrates, is a recipe for colon cancer, Professor Stephen O'Keefe from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, told the Society for General Microbiology meeting ...

Type VI secretion systems: Weapons of bacterial destruction

Bacteria can be quite aggressive. Armed with an impressive array of mechanical and biochemical weapons, they don't mess around when it comes to combating their foes. Notable among these armaments is the Type VI Secretion ...

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