Related topics: cancer cells · colon cancer

Colon cancer nuclear pore dynamics are captured by HS-AFM

One of the key reasons for cancer mortality is the highly invasive behaviour of cancer cells, which is often due to aggressive metastasis. Metastasis is facilitated by various growth factors and cytokines secreted from cells ...

Student team engineers E. coli  to adhere to colon cancer cells

Billions of harmless Escherichia coli bacteria thrive in the human gut, but why aren't the microbes flushed out of the intestines through digestion? Bacteria like E. coli produce pili, appendages resembling long strands of ...

Studying cellular deliveries

Many cells, including cancer cells, are known to secrete short RNAs in tiny vesicles, which then move inside other cells—potentially a form of cell-to-cell communication.

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