PhD researcher seeks origin of cosmic rays

As cosmic ray particles penetrate our atmosphere, they collide with air molecules and produce new high-energy particles. These particles, in turn, are involved in further collisions. The whole process is known as an air shower. ...

Proton-ion collisions: Behind the scenes of a hybrid interaction

Protons to the right, ions to the left: the basic principle of proton-ion collisions at the LHC might seem straightforward. However, this is an almost unprecedented mode of collider operation, certainly unique at the energy ...

Magnetic turbulence trumps collisions to heat solar wind

( -- New research, led by University of Warwick physicist Dr Kareem Osman, has provided significant insight into how the solar wind heats up when it should not. The solar wind rushes outwards from the raging inferno ...

Jets at CMS and the determination of their energy scale

Jets are the experimental signatures of quarks and gluons produced in high-energy processes such as head-on proton-proton collisions. As quarks and gluons have a net colour charge and cannot exist freely due to colour-confinement, ...

Belle discovers new heavy 'exotic hadrons'

( -- Two unexpected new hadrons containing bottom quarks have been discovered by the Belle Experiment using the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)'s B Factory (KEKB), a highly-luminous, electron-positron ...

Why solar wind is rhombic-shaped?

Why the temperatures in the solar wind are almost the same in certain directions, and why different energy densities are practically identical, was until now not clear.

First physics from the Large Hadron Collider's CMS detector

( -- Scientists working on the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC have just published results of the first analysis of data from the highest energy particle collisions ever carried out, bringing us another step closer ...

What will the Large Hadron Collider reveal?

With its successful test run at the end of 2009, the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, seized the world record for the highest-energy particle collisions created by mankind. We can now reflect on the next questions: ...

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