Should AI read your college essay? It's complicated

In a new study, researchers developed a series of artificial intelligence tools that can scan through essays in college applications, picking out evidence of key personal traits. That includes qualities like leadership and ...

How the pandemic permanently altered college towns

Universities are more than just halls of learning; they are vibrant ecosystems and often the beating heart of the towns they reside in. Their reach goes beyond academia and plays a significant role in shaping the local economies ...

Rewarding women more like men could reduce wage gap

Addressing the shortage of women in STEM-related fields such as computer science is not enough to close the gender gap in both representation and pay: Treating women more like men, especially on pay day, is more important ...

Measuring the changing soundscape in Glacier National Park

From the eerie echo of a bugling elk to the gentle swoosh of water lapping against a stony shore, a unique combination of sounds helps distinguish each national park. This acoustic environment, as perceived by humans, is ...

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