Hostility among friends can come from surprising places

Same-race friendships on college campuses can be sources of support and help build a sense of belonging. However, sociologists Sherelle Ferguson, and Annette Lareau, Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Professor in the Social Sciences, ...

Time off after high school makes college less likely

Academic breaks after high school—even those lasting just a few months—can cause some students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to forgo enrolling in college altogether, according to new Cornell University ...

Is Facebook finally taking anonymity seriously?

Having some form of anonymity online offers many people a kind of freedom. Whether it's used for exposing corruption or just experimenting socially online it provides a way for the content (but not its author) to be seen.

Job ads with wide pay ranges can deter applicants

As more states require employers to list compensation on job ads, a trending strategy to use very wide pay ranges could potentially harm recruitment, according to a Washington State University study.

Beyond Bieber: Twitter improves student learning

(—Twitter, best known as the 140-character social-networking site where Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga chit-chat with fans, has become a new literary format that is improving student learning, a new study argues.

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