Related topics: tropical cyclones

Macroscopic quantum phenomena discovered in ice

(—Scientists have discovered an anomaly in the properties of ice at very cold temperatures near 20 K, which they believe can be explained by the quantum tunneling of multiple protons simultaneously. The finding ...

Electronics like it cold, and 30 K cryocooler delivers

(—For many electronic devices, colder is better. At low temperatures, electronic devices such as sensors and detectors operate with a higher efficiency and better overall performance than they do at room temperature. ...

Study finds nickelate superconductors are intrinsically magnetic

Electrons find each other repulsive. Nothing personal—it's just that their negative charges repel each other. So getting them to pair up and travel together, like they do in superconducting materials, requires a little ...

Rewriting the history books: Why the Vikings left Greenland

One of the great mysteries of late medieval history is why did the Norse, who had established successful settlements in southern Greenland in 985, abandon them in the early 15th century? The consensus view has long been that ...

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