Silicone liquid crystal stiffens with repeated compression

( —Squeeze a piece of silicone and it quickly returns to its original shape, as squishy as ever. But scientists at Rice University have discovered that the liquid crystal phase of silicone becomes 90 percent stiffer ...

Charging electric cars efficiently inductive

We already charge our toothbrushes and cellphones using contactless technology. Researchers have developed a particularly efficient and cost-effective method that means electric cars could soon follow suit.

Key factors for wireless power transfer

What happens to a resonant wireless power transfer system in the presence of complex electromagnetic environments, such as metal plates? A team of researchers explored the influences at play in this type of situation, and ...

'Nanofiber yarn' makes for stretchy, protective artificial tissue

The human body is held together by an intricate cable system of tendons and muscles, engineered by nature to be tough and highly stretchable. An injury to any of these tissues, particularly in a major joint like the shoulder ...

Landmine detector that uses pulse induction to improve sensitivity

Collaborating researchers at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology and the Samsung Thales Corporation have developed a landmine detector that uses pulse induction to improve sensitivity. Their device is particularly ...

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