Related topics: brain

AI and the future of your mind

Susan Schneider, associate professor of philosophy and cognitive science and director of the AI, Mind and Society (AIMS) Group at UConn, has gained a national and international reputation for her writing on the philosophical ...

Developing a moral compass from human texts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) translates documents, suggests treatments for patients, makes purchasing decisions and optimises workflows. But where is its moral compass? A study by the Centre for Cognitive Science at TU Darmstadt ...

Black widow spiders dial up posture for survival and sex

A new study led by Western University's Natasha Mhatre shows that body dynamics and posture are crucial to how black widow spiders decode the important vibrations that travel through their webs and up their legs. Black widows ...

Beyond social networks: How cultural beliefs really spread

When Amir Goldberg had his first child a decade ago, he was bewildered to learn that some of his colleagues at Princeton University, where he was a doctoral student, weren't planning to vaccinate their offspring.

Why artificial intelligence is likely to take more lives

Artificial neurons for deeply intelligent machines – this is the new artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, led by Geoffrey Hinton and his team since 2012. That year, Hinton, an expert in cognitive science at the University ...

Helping computers to see 3-D structures

If you can recognize structures around you while walking down a city street, you have your eyes to thank. Humans can automatically perceive 3-D structure in the world by identifying lines, shapes, symmetries and the patterns ...

Want to make money with stocks? Never listen to analysts

Investors probably expect that following the suggestions of stock analysts would make them better off than doing the exact opposite. Nevertheless, recent research by Nicola Gennaioli and colleagues shows that the best way ...

Could it be that religion is more like sex than school?

A lot of arguments about religion treat it like going to school: a religion is a set of lessons to be learned, tests to pass and rules to follow, all watched over by the great headmaster in the sky. That assumption shapes ...

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