Cells hold the secrets of aging

Most of us think about getting older from time to time, noticing how the years slip by and counting the gray hairs. Some of us even try and fight back, rubbing anti-aging creams into our cheeks and turning to ideas like fasting.

When older people feel excluded at work

Employees over 50 can feel excluded and demotivated in the workplace for various reasons. They feel particularly excluded when they believe that their cognitive abilities decrease with age, as psychologists from the University ...

Longer-lived imaging agents could hasten Alzheimer's research

In the past few years, despite the best efforts of scientists and medical researchers, drug after drug designed to slow or stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease has failed in clinical trials. Some had no effect on the ...

Virtual reality guides those whose memory is failing

Experts agree that the ability to navigate a neighborhood or built space is one of the first faculties to suffer at the onset of cognitive decline. They also agree that early intervention is crucial for stemming the further ...

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