Molecular cooperation at the threshold of life

Protein-like aggregates known as amyloids can bind to molecules of genetic material. It is possible that these two types of molecules stabilized each other during the development of lifeā€”and that this might even have paved ...

Chinese team completes the genome assembly of Cornus wilsoniana

Cornus wilsoniana (2n=22) is a common shrub in the northern temperate zone of China. It blooms white flowers in spring and produces purple-black berries in autumn. This tree has a unique mottled bark texture that makes it ...

A 'gold standard' for computational materials science codes

For the past few decades, physicists and materials scientists around the world have been busy developing computer codes that simulate the key properties of materials, and they can now choose from a whole family of such tools, ...

New heat map charts unequal civic opportunity in the US

People in many parts of the United States possess few chances for the robust community engagement that underpins healthy democracies, according to a new report that for the first time maps civic opportunity across the country.

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