New DNA test to transform wild fish population management

Postdoctoral Fellow with CSIRO's Environomics Future Science Platform Dr. Ben Mayne said the new method is a non-lethal alternative to counting growth rings in their otoliths, or ear bones of fish, to reveal their age.

Cod behave differently in noisy environments

Underwater noise from seismic surveys affects the behavior of Atlantic cod. These are the results of research by Leiden biologists in collaboration with colleagues from Belgium. During such surveys the fish are less active ...

Why overfishing leads to smaller cod

Overfishing, hunting and intensive agriculture and forestry can sometimes contribute to plants and animals becoming endangered. New research from Lund University in Sweden and University of Toronto can now show why this leads ...

Study shows climate change can help crab escape its parasites

As Earth warms, species around the world—Adélie penguins, earthworms, gray snapper, pin oaks—are shifting into habitats once too cold for them. One such "climate migrant" is the Atlantic mud fiddler crab Minuca pugnax. ...

Spiny dogfish eat Atlantic cod: DNA may provide some answers

Conventional observations show that spiny dogfish in the western North Atlantic rarely eat Atlantic cod. However, some believe the rebuilding dogfish populations are limiting depleted cod numbers by competition or predation. ...

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