Underwater robots help discover hidden faults

(Phys.org)—Hidden beneath ocean waves and masked by sand and mud on the seafloor, underwater faults are notoriously difficult to see and even more difficult to study. As a result, geologists struggle to evaluate the risks ...

Lawsuits against EPA target nutrients in US waters

(AP) -- Environmental groups are suing the Environmental Protection Agency to force the federal government to curb an overdose of nutrients from farms and cities that end up in the nation's rivers, lakes and coastal waters. ...

Asia climate disasters displace 42 million: ADB

Climate-related disasters have displaced more than 42 million people in Asia over the past two years, the Asian Development Bank said Tuesday in a report calling for swift action to avert future crises.

New wave of planning for coastal zones

Among the traits they share in common -- proximity to the coast, popularity among tourists, renowned, painterly light -- Venice, Italy, and San Diego also share one all-too-disturbing similarity: They are both in considerable ...

Oregon may build nation's first tsunami evacuation structure

Residents of a small Oregon coastal community are moving closer to the creation of something that's never before been built in the United States - a structure designed specifically to withstand a major earthquake and the ...

Going vertical: Fleeing tsunamis by moving up, not out

(PhysOrg.com) -- In the minutes after a strong earthquake struck offshore of the Indonesian city of Padang on Sept. 30, fears of a tsunami prompted hundreds of thousands of residents to evacuate the coastal city. Or try to.

Research pinpoints conditions favorable for freak waves

(PhysOrg.com) -- Stories of ships mysteriously sent to watery graves by sudden, giant waves have long puzzled scientists and sailors. New research by Assistant Professor of Geosciences Tim Janssen suggests that changes in ...

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