Tropical peatland, sea level rise and climate change

Tropical peatlands are among the most efficient carbon sinks. The flip side is that they can become massive emitters of carbon if they are damaged, for instance, by land use change, degradation or fire. This can lead to faster ...

Java's protective mangroves smothered by plastic waste

The mangrove forests on Java's north coast are slowly suffocating in plastic waste. The plastic problem in northeast Asia is huge and a growing threat to the region's mangroves; a natural alley against coastal erosion. Based ...

Warming Baltic Sea: a red flag for global oceans

Climate change combined with pollution from farming and forestry could flip northern Europe's Baltic Sea from being a sponge for CO2 to a source of the planet-warming gas, scientists studying told AFP.

Mangroves to mudflats and not back again

Over one-third of Earth's population lives with 100 km of a coastline and depend on the services that coastal ecosystems provide. With the intensity and impact of hurricanes expected to increase in the future, there is a ...

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