Powder could help cut CO2 emissions

Scientists at the University of Waterloo have created a powder that can capture CO2 from factories and power plants.

Netherlands stops Shell's CO2 storage project

The Dutch government said Thursday it will not allow oil giant Shell to store millions of tonnes of arbon dioxide in a depleted gas reservoir under a small town, upholding the fears of townspeople.

Study tracks safety of underground CO2 storage

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a paper published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an international team of geoscientists, including Simon Fraser University groundwater expert Dirk Kirste, ...

Dutch approve project to store CO2 underground

The Dutch government said Wednesday it had approved the experimental below-ground storage of excess CO2 to curb damaging emissions, dismissing concerns of residents who live on top of the project.

Gulf Coast ready to develop carbon storage hub

The stage is set for a new carbon storage economy to emerge along the Gulf Coast, according to a study led by The University of Texas at Austin, with the region offering ample opportunities to capture and store carbon, and ...

Finding innovative solutions for reducing CO2 emissions

Today, the company Gaznat SA and EPFL signed an agreement for the creation of two new research chairs. The first one will study ways to seize carbon dioxide (CO2) at its production source and increase its value through its ...

Salt's love of water can play a key role in safe CO2 storage

Subsurface storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most promising technologies for removing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. The method, referred to as CCS (carbon capture and storage), is regarded as an effective ...

Unique CO2 monitoring technology streamlines process

A made-in-Nova Scotia technology to allow for long-term automated monitoring of greenhouse gases is transforming the task into a practical process, even underground. Developed by Professor David Risk, of St. Francis Xavier ...

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