Jaguar and Williams F1 set for UK-made hybrid car

Indian-owned automaker Jaguar has joined forces with Formula One racing group Williams to produce a British-made commercial model of their hybrid C-X75 supercar, the pair announced on Friday.

Australia fires speed global CO2 level rise: UK Met Office

Carbon emissions from the wildfires that have ravaged much of southeast Australia are a major driver of what are predicted to be record worldwide atmospheric CO2 levels throughout 2020, Britain's Met Office said Friday.

Permafrost: a ticking carbon time bomb

Sheltered by snow-spattered mountains, the Stordalen mire is a flat, marshy plateau, pockmarked with muddy puddles. A whiff of rotten eggs wafts through the fresh air.

Fossil-fuel emissions unbraked by financial crisis

Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuels and the cement industry scaled a record high in 2010, rocketing by 5.9 percent over 2009 in a surge led by developing countries, scientists reported on Sunday.

Climate chief warns of 'urgency' as CO2 levels rise

The UN's climate chief called for urgency Monday as she opened a new round of global talks amid warnings that Earth-warming carbon dioxide levels were approaching a symbolic threshold never seen in human history.

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