An image gallery gift from Swift satellite

(—Of the three telescopes carried by NASA's Swift satellite, only one captures cosmic light at energies similar to those seen by the human eye. Although small by the standards of ground-based observatories, Swift's ...

Cosmic particle accelerators get things going

( -- ESA's Cluster satellites have discovered that cosmic particle accelerators are more efficient than previously thought. The discovery has revealed the initial stages of acceleration for the first time, a process ...

'Dirty hack' restores Cluster mission from near loss

( -- Using ingenuity and an unorthodox 'dirty hack', ESA has recovered the four-satellite Cluster mission from near loss. The drama began in March, when a crucial science package stopped responding to commands ...

Salsa's last dance targets reentry over South Pacific

Launched in 2000, Cluster is a unique constellation of four identical spacecraft investigating the interaction between the sun and Earth's magnetosphere—our shield against the charged gas, energetic particles and magnetic ...

Cluster's 20 years of studying Earth's magnetosphere

Despite a nominal lifetime of two years, ESA's Cluster is now entering its third decade in space. This unique four-spacecraft mission has been revealing the secrets of Earth's magnetic environment since 2000 and, with 20 ...

Successful launch for eROSITA X-ray telescope

The Russian-German Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) space mission successfully lifted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome on Saturday, July 13 at 14:31. Onboard is the eROSITA X-ray telescope, which was developed and built by a ...

Image: Rotation of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Last week the much-awaited second slew of data from ESA's Gaia mission was released, providing information on a phenomenal 1.7 billion stars – the richest star catalogue to date.

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