Weak Lensing Gains Strength

(PhysOrg.com) -- Berkeley Lab cosmologists were part of an international team that has extended the relationship between the x-ray luminosity and the mass of galaxy clusters as measured by gravitational lensing, improving ...

Galaxy cluster smashes distance record

The most distant galaxy cluster yet has been discovered by combining data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and optical and infrared telescopes. The cluster is located about 10.2 billion light years away, and is observed ...

Stripped down: Hubble highlights two galaxies that are losing it

(PhysOrg.com) -- Ram pressure is the drag force that results when something moves through a fluid -- much like the wind you feel in your face when bicycling, even on a still day -- and occurs in this context as galaxies orbiting ...

Turbulence responsible for black holes' balancing act

We live in a hierarchical Universe where small structures join into larger ones. Earth is a planet in our Solar System, the Solar System resides in the Milky Way Galaxy, and galaxies combine into groups and clusters. Clusters ...

Suzaku snaps first complete X-ray view of a galaxy cluster

The joint Japan-U.S. Suzaku mission is providing new insight into how assemblages of thousands of galaxies pull themselves together. For the first time, Suzaku has detected X-ray-emitting gas at a cluster's outskirts, where ...

Astronomers find most crowded collision of galaxy clusters

The most crowded collision of galaxy clusters has been identified by combining information from three different telescopes. This result gives scientists a chance to learn what happens when some of the largest objects in ...

Star Light, Star Bright, Its Explanation is Out of Sight

(PhysOrg.com) -- A mysterious flash of light from somewhere near or far in the universe is still keeping astronomers in the dark long after it was first detected by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 2006. It might represent ...

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