NASA finds Kiko weakening in the Eastern Pacific

NASA's Aqua satellite provided forecasters at the National Hurricane Center with infrared data and cloud top temperature information on Hurricane Kiko. Wind shear was affecting the storm and had closed the eye.

First Earth observation satellite with AI ready for launch

A few months from now will see the launch of the first European satellite to demonstrate how onboard artificial intelligence can improve the efficiency of sending Earth observation data back to Earth. Dubbed ɸ-Sat, or PhiSat, ...

NASA analyzed Tropical Storm Fernand's strength before landfall

NASA's Aqua satellite provided forecasters at the National Hurricane Center with infrared data and cloud top temperature information for Tropical Storm Fernand as it was making landfall in northeastern Mexico. Those temperatures ...

Production sites of stars are rare

Astronomers using the Nobeyama Radio Obeservatory (NRO) 45-meter telescope found that high-density gas, the material for stars, accounts for only 3 percent of the total mass of gas distributed in the Milky Way. This result ...

Secure data protection in the new internet of things

The core idea of the team headed by Magdeburg project leader, Professor Dr. Mesut Güne is to develop the self-organizing migration of services. This means that the services—such as home automation, data management, and ...

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