Few replicas as first cloned cat nears 10

Nearly 10 years after scientists cloned the first cat, predictions of a vast commercial market for the "resurrection" of beloved pets through cloning have fallen flat.

Argentine lab clones cow to produce human-like milk

An Argentine laboratory announced that it had created the world's first transgenic cow, using human genes that will allow the animal to produce the equivalent of mothers' milk.

Cow clone may have over 100 descendants in Britain

A cloned cow whose offspring's meat entered the British food chain may have more than 100 descendants in the country, records suggested Thursday, amid fears about their spread into the food system.

China clones woollier cashmere goats

Scientists in China have cloned a dozen goats engineered with a gene that boosts wool growth, with a view to increasing output of cashmere fibre, state-run media reported Wednesday.