A tricky job assessing the vulnerability of agriculture

There's still a lot we don't know about the vulnerability of our agriculture to climate change. This is according to a recent doctoral thesis from Linköping University. The thesis also shows that current methods for assessing ...

Vulnerable Pacific states demand urgent climate action

Pacific island leaders on Friday demanded urgent action from the global community to address climate change, following fresh warnings that the region would be hit harder than anywhere else on Earth.

Climate change 'forcing species to move'

Warming temperatures are causing about half of the world's plants and animals to move location, an international conference in Australia heard Wednesday, with every major type of species affected.

Basic energy rights for low-income populations proposed

Low-income populations deserve basic energy rights to protect them from "energy insecurity" and the environmental and related health risks from living in "energy sacrifice zones" where energy is produced. The disproportionate ...

Help at hand to relocate threatened species

Australian and New Zealand scientists Thursday said they have devised the "first rigorous framework" on deciding whether to relocate endangered animals threatened with extinction by climate change.

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