Researchers publish perspective on fuel cells

Fuel cells play a major role in creating a clean energy future, with a broad set of applications ranging from powering buildings to electrifying transportation. But, as with all emerging technologies, researchers have faced ...

Clean smell doesn't always mean clean air

Some of the same chemical reactions that occur in the atmosphere as a result of smog and ozone are actually taking place in your house while you are cleaning. A researcher in Drexel's College of Engineering is taking a closer ...

Disposable wipes are costing sewage systems millions of dollars

Several class-action lawsuits filed recently against the makers of flushable wet-wipes have brought to light a serious—and unsavory—problem: The popular cleaning products might be clogging sewer systems. But whether the ...

How capitalism ruined our relationship with bacteria

There are many rational reasons that motivate consumers to spend US$65 billion annually on household cleaning products. But non-rational mechanisms are nevertheless still at work in the cleaning products market, as in all ...

Nature-inspired antibacterial metals

From aviation to medicine, various sectors are increasingly using materials that mimic the lotus plant, whose leaves have self-cleaning properties. Thanks to the bumpy surface structure covered with tube-shaped wax crystals, ...

Disentangling nature's contributions to international trade

Researchers have developed a multistep process to quantify the dependency of international trade and nature's contributions to people. With their new approach, which has been published in People and Nature, the researchers ...

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