Wind energy companies test waters for offshore projects

The federal government on Tuesday issued its first exploratory leases for wind energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf, the first step of what could be a race to harness the powerful Atlantic winds not far from major ...

Aqueous iron interacts as strong as solid iron

German scientists have applied a new method -- "inverse Partial Fluorescence Yield" (iPFY) on micro-jet -- which will enable them to probe the electronic structure of liquids free of sample damages. The experiments are performed ...

States take on PFAS 'forever chemicals' with bans, lawsuits

"Forever chemicals" are everywhere. The thousands of chemicals in the group known as perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are found in cookware, packaging, cosmetics, clothing, carpet, electronics, firefighting ...

Lab drives toward the future with fuel cell EVs

Efforts currently underway at the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are contributing to rapid progress in the research, development and testing of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

Sweat, bleach and gym air quality

One sweaty, huffing, exercising person emits as many chemicals from their body as up to five sedentary people, according to a new University of Colorado Boulder study. And notably, those human emissions, including amino acids ...

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