Report: Most nations fall far short in plans to curb warming

Nearly every nation is coming up short—most of them far short—in their efforts to fight climate change, and the world is unlikely to hold warming to the internationally agreed-upon limit, according to a new scientific ...

How much energy do we need to achieve a decent life for all?

For many, an increase in living standards would require an increase in energy provision. At the same time, meeting current climate goals under the Paris Agreement would benefit from lower energy use. IIASA researchers have ...

River backwaters to meet high water quality standards

Clean drinking water is essential. Scientists at TU Wien are investigating how water quality in riverine floodplains, often used as drinking water resources, changes as a result of heavy rainfall and flooding.

Using aluminum and water to make clean hydrogen fuel

As the world works to move away from fossil fuels, many researchers are investigating whether clean hydrogen fuel can play an expanded role in sectors from transportation and industry to buildings and power generation. It ...

How the pandemic has impacted environmental field research

Field stations and marine laboratories (FSMLs) serve as great drivers of research, monitoring, and learning about our world. However, FSMLs across the globe are facing major cutbacks and even closure due to COVID-19 pandemic-driven ...

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