Molecular dance by which a unique bacterium transfers electrons

Imagine you wanted to plug a device into an outlet on your wall, but you didn't have a cord that reached all the way. Instead, all you had were short snippets of wire that, put together, weren't enough to cover the distance ...

Renewable energy targets can undermine sustainable intentions

Renewable energy targets (RETs) may be too blunt a tool for ensuring a sustainable future, according to University of Queensland-led research. Ph.D. candidate Scott Spillias, from UQ's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, ...

Cutting emissions gradually will avert sudden jump in warming

Reducing fossil fuel emissions steadily over coming years will prevent millions of premature deaths and help avoid the worst of climate change without causing the large spike in short-term warming that some studies have predicted, ...

Discovering the next generation of catalysts

The use of solar and wind energy must be doubled to meet the world's demand for clean energy over the next 30 years. Catalysts that can ensure the storage of solar and wind energy in fuels and chemicals will therefore play ...

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