How quickly does the climate recover?

Climate change is causing temperatures to rise and is also increasing the likelihood of storms, heavy rain, and flooding—the recent flood disaster in the Ahr valley in Germany is just one such example. What we need to ask ...

Atomic snapshots show fast ion migration in ultra-thin clays

Research led by The University of Manchester has found that ions diffuse 10,000 times faster inside atomically thin clays than in bulk clay crystals. Clays are used in a wide variety of membrane applications, so this result ...

Best method for drip irrigation on persimmon and lemon trees

Scientists from the Desertification Research Institute (CIDE, CSIC-UV-GVA) and the Segura Center for Soil Science and Applied Biology (CEBAS, CSIC) verify that using a single dropper-holder line would optimize the use of ...

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