NY man suing Facebook wants his lawyer to stay

(AP)—A lawyer who says he no longer wants to represent a New York man claiming part ownership of Facebook is still on the case for now after his client told a judge he doesn't want him to go.

Federal judge tosses warrantless wiretap cases

(AP) -- A federal judge on Wednesday tossed out more than three dozen lawsuits filed against the nation's telecommunications companies for allegedly taking part in the government's e-mail and telephone eavesdropping program ...

Chanel files Internet trademark lawsuit in Vegas

(AP) -- Chanel Inc. has filed a sweeping cyberpiracy and trademark infringement lawsuit in Las Vegas against 399 websites it accuses of selling counterfeit items bearing the luxury retailer's trademark.

Judge finds Dell Inc. in contempt

(AP) -- A state court judge has found Dell Inc. in contempt of court for what the plaintiffs have alleged to be piecemeal production of documents in a civil lawsuit over the New Orleans crime camera system.

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