Russia to start offering spacewalks for tourists

Russia is planning to send paying tourists on the International Space Station out on spacewalks for the first time, an official from the country's space industry said Thursday.

Never tried virtual reality? Here's what it's like

It doesn't take a high-tech headset to see that virtual reality is the rage. It's being touted as the future for all things sensory, from games to film and television, from storytelling to visual art.

Russia eyes Kazakh cosmonaut as space tourist

Russia on Monday proposed sending a Kazakh cosmonaut to the International Space Station in place of a space tourist in September after a Japanese candidate formally dropped out.

Movement pro transforms actors into apes on film

Terry Notary is Hollywood's human shape-shifter. In a blink, he can become an elf, an ape or almost any other moving creature. An expert in motion-capture performance, he specializes in bringing non-human characters to life ...

Cargo craft docks with space station

(AP) -- A cargo ship has delivered food, fuel, oxygen and other supplies to the International Space Station.

20 former world leaders discuss looming water crisis

Twenty former heads of state, including former US president Bill Clinton, warned Tuesday of an impending "water crisis" and agreed to establish a panel that will tackle a worldwide leadership gap on the issue.

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