Cave mazes

Analysis of caves in Israel deserts brings to light the ancient groundwater circulation of north-western Arabia. The cave distribution, morphology, and deposit evidence indicates that they formed through dissolution by rising ...

Wave beams mix and stir the ocean to create climate

Ocean circulation patterns have a profound effect on global climate. Waves deep within the ocean play an important role in establishing this circulation, arising when tidal currents oscillate over an uneven ocean bottom. ...

Team takes temperature to determine cause of Ice Age

New research by Simon Fraser University professor Karen Kohfeld and University of Tasmania professor Zanna Chase, published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, examines how the ocean pulled carbon dioxide ...

Could climate change shut down the Gulf Stream?

The 2004 disaster movie "The Day After Tomorrow" depicted the cataclysmic effects—superstorms, tornadoes and deep freezes— resulting from the impacts of climate change. In the movie, global warming had accelerated the ...

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