Foundation readies $25 computer to seed tech talents

( -- A $25 computer targeted to help young people learn about computers beyond uploading pics and downloading documents is about to start volume-production in January. The Raspberry Pi project, a UK-based foundation, ...

Engineering students create real-time 3-D radar system

Spencer Kent stands nervously in front of Team D.R.A.D.I.S.' booth at Rice University's annual Engineering Design Showcase. Judging begins in about 10 minutes, and his teammate Galen Schmidt is frantically typing computer ...

New LED packaging technology improves performance

(—Many researchers have reported improvements in LED technology by enhancing the properties of the LED itself. But the packaging that secures and protects the LED also impacts its overall performance. In a new ...

Running electronics using light

( -- "If you open up almost any electronic gadget, you will see various elements that operating using electric circuitries," Nader Engheta tells "Many of them have different functionalities, such ...

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