UK court jails four Lulzsec hackers for cyberattacks

Four young computer hackers who masterminded cyberattacks on targets from the CIA to Sony Pictures and Rupert Murdoch's News International were sentenced to up to 32 months in prison on Thursday.

LulzSec hacker pleads guilty to cyberattacks

A British computer hacker affiliated to the group Lulz Security pleaded guilty Tuesday to cyberattacks on institutions including Sony, Britain's National Health Service and Rupert Murdoch's News International.

IMF identifies hacked computer files

The International Monetary Fund has identified the computer files hacked in a cyberattack and is the process of weighing their importance, and IMF spokesman said Thursday.

Hackers target British anti-crime agency website

Hackers who have hit the websites of the CIA, US Senate, Sony and others during a month-long rampage claimed on Monday to have knocked the site of Britain's Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA) offline.

Hackers claim hit on CIA website (Update 2)

A hacker group was brazenly ramping up its antics as waves of cyberattacks targeting even the US spy agency expose how poorly defended many networks are against Internet marauders.

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