Related topics: genes · genome · cells · dna · cell division

Study identifies new mechanisms driving genomic instability

A recent Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of Cell Biology has identified new mechanisms that cause genomic or chromosomal instability during cell division, findings that may improve the development of ...

Yeast screen uncovers genes involved in chromosomal mutation

When creating a computer program, errors in the code can introduce bugs to the software. Similarly, errors in our body's genetic code, DNA, which is stored in structures known as chromosomes, can bring about mutations in ...

Gene-silencing complexes join forces to inactivate X chromosomes

RIKEN researchers have shed new light on the roles two protein complexes play in the enigmatic process of turning off one X chromosome in female mammals. This finding could help researchers discover how certain cancers occur ...

Uncovering the secrets of how chromosomes assemble

Experiments using extracts from African clawed frog eggs have revealed how a key protein complex is regulated to assemble chromosomes during cell division. This finding could help to shed light on the development of certain ...

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