Major step forward for environmentally friendly leather tanning

Chrome-based processes in leather tanning have long been a concern in terms of their potential environmental impact. Chrome is used in more than 90 percent of leather tanning operations worldwide, producing stretchable leather ...

Disorder creates rust protection

Corrosion eats away 75 billion euros of economic output annually in Germany alone. But it may soon be possible to better assess which steels and other alloys will be affected, and how to limit the damage: An international ...

New nanowire transistors may help keep Moore's Law alive

( —Two French researchers, Guilhem Larrieu and Xiang‑Lei Han, may have succeeded in possibly setting back the date to which Moore's Law would no longer apply by creating a new kind of nanowire Field-Effect Transistor ...

Scientist takes first step to measure chromium contamination

Judy Zelikoff is filling an unwanted role. Three decades after hexavalent chromium spread under a Garfield, N.J., neighborhood, this accomplished scientist and her team of researchers at New York University may finally be ...

Opera plans transition to WebKit engine

(—Opera will ditch its web browser rendering engine called Presto and instead will switch over to WebKit in a planned 2013 phase-out. The decision was announced this week. WebKit is the rendering engine used in ...

Oxygen to the core

(—An international collaboration including researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has discovered that the Earth's core formed under more oxidizing condition's than previously proposed.

'Erin Brockovich' toxin found at Japan plant

The toxic chemical made infamous by campaigning single mother Erin Brockovich has been found at up to 15,800 times safety limits in groundwater at a Japanese iron plant, the factory's operator said Thursday.

Google trumpets Dart release as first stable version

(—Google on Tuesday released its first stable version of Dart SDK. Dart is a programming language for Web applications that Google thinks will offer an improved, easy to learn, high performance environment for ...

Russia's Yandex launches web browser to rival Google

Russia's dominant search engine Yandex on Monday launched its own Internet browser in the continuing face-off with its American rival Google for supremacy in the growing Russian market.

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