Giant pudding was royal Christmas treat

Details of a ten-ton Christmas pudding, created to offset the blues of the Great Depression, have been rediscovered by University of Manchester historians.

71 new parasitoid wasp species discovered from Southeast Asia

A new study greatly expands knowledge of the wasp genus Oxyscelio. A total of 90 species are recognized from the Indo-Malayan and Palearctic realms of Asia, 71 of which are described here as new species. A total of 438 photographs ...

What to know before buying a drone this Christmas

UN aviation officials cautioned anyone Friday who might want to leave a gift of a drone under the Christmas tree this season, to learn how to safely operate it first.

NASA satellite spots Christmas

If you're looking for Christmas NASA's Aqua satellite spotted it in the Southern Indian Ocean. It's a coral atoll (a ring-shaped reef, island, or chain of islands made up of coral) in the northern Line Islands and is a Territory ...

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