Smallest hard disk to date writes information atom by atom

Every day, modern society creates more than a billion gigabytes of new data. To store all this data, it is increasingly important that each single bit occupies as little space as possible. A team of scientists at the Kavli ...

How to deliver drinking water chlorine-free

Chlorinated tap water is the norm around the world, but the experiences of several European countries is that it doesn't have to be. The benefits of foregoing chlorine include better-tasting and, potentially, healthier water.

Revamped technique improves fuel testing process

Researchers have developed a new approach based on an old method of determining chlorine content in solid fuels, an important advance that could improve fuel utilisation.

The core of corrosion

( —Anyone who has ever owned a car in a snowy town – or a boat in a salty sea – can tell you just how expensive corrosion can be.

Even low-level PCBs change bird songs

It may not kill them outright, but low-level PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) contamination disrupts how some birds sing their songs, report Cornell researchers.

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